Heather Craig ReflexologyReflexology & Facial Rejuvenation
in Alton

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Mindfulness - In The Moment

We are so busy planning for the future or dwelling on the past that we forget to live in the present.

Mindfulness is simply being aware and in a state of alert attention that allows the mind to go quiet. It is purely and simply living in the moment and experiencing it fully – being present. Put simply, Mindfulness is paying attention. So many of our actions are habitual and there are so many distractions in modern life that it is all too easy to adopt autopilot. Conversations with friends and family are only half-listened to because we are thinking about the many things we need to do next and meals are only half-tasted as we are often busy watching a screen.
By introducing Mindfulness into our lives, we can truly engage with our friends and family, truly taste that amazing meal that we have saved up for, truly see the sights on our once-in-a-lifetime holiday. When we experience them fully, with our senses rather than our thoughts, we also remember them clearly.
Numerous studies have shown its benefits in managing illnesses such as depression and in reducing incidences of stress and anxiety. Now, more than ever, it can play a huge part in helping us just forget what is going on around is, just for a while.
Try going for a walk and instead of being in auto-pilot, become aware of your senses. What can you hear, see, smell, touch and even taste?
The sound of the birds singing. The smell of the flowers blooming. The wonderful sight of deer dashing across the field.

Hampton Court Flower Show 2016

I was very privileged to have the opportunity to work at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in the PMS: Outside Inside Garden for NAPS. The garden is inspired by the stories of those who suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome.

I was also able to give Reflexology taster treatments to some wonderful people and to explain the many benefits of Reflexology and the importance of choosing an MAR therapist.

Resources. PMS Garden1

This garden was made to represent the internal struggle that sufferers of PMS feel. In the centre stood a Somerset willow screen, surrounded by harmonious green plants in a circular shape. The common native planting on the outside contrasts with the inaccessible space and distorted planting inside.

Resources. PMS Garden2

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